Fractal Danger

Winter is finally here! I have decided to knit myself a scarf/shawl named Fractal Danger by Martina Behm. I recently purchased an Australian Merino/Silk sport weight yarn in light grey. The yarn is really soft and yummy! The pattern is so easy that I’ve decided to knit the garter rows using Continental Method as I need more practise in that method. I’m a self-taught English Method knitter and have been learning the Continental Method using a class on Craftsy: Knit Faster With Continental Knitting with Lorilee Beltman. Lorilee is a wonderful teacher and I’m learning heaps! I’m hoping I can finish this before it gets too warm to use it and also get better with Continental knitting. I can knit but still struggling with purl and everything else. Will get there one day :)....
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